Just a little over 3 weeks til the annual
South End Open Studios... and with a couple of trips already planned, time is going to fly..
I am keeping busy in the studio trying to finish miscellaneous projects, such as this leather lace pillow made out of piece of leather I found in NY a few months back:
The leather seems to have been lasercut and printed (light drawing lines that outline the cut motifs). It's really beautiful but too thin to make a bag or a garment so there, a pillow will do :).
Also, very much into clutches these days so I made this one out of brown leather than has a bit of an antique finish (I still have to shoot it to put up on Etsy..):
And I started working with the new leathers I got for the fall. I am getting a bit frustrated with my sewing machine when the leather is very soft so I doing more hand-stitching. Here's the first bag I made:
That picture is taken with the Iphone so it doesn't show the color well but it's a warm grey which I'm totally in love with..
Also just put this new
Ipad Case in the Etsy shop:
I'm thinking of doing some in different leathers for men, maybe?
In the meantime, that one is having a great time:
even if he often hates to admit it:
Oops Master Pouter
Man..I hope I come back as him if I do..