Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Mending Antique Quilts

Today I got cabin fever and decided to brave the 12 degree weather we had this morning and head to the studio..  Re-looking at my book on Boros yesterday re-inspired me to stitch so I  finally started mending one of the antique quilts that I dyed a couple of months ago (see here)

That quilt has plenty of holes so I think I have my next few weeks of work planned out..


  1. OHHHHHHH GOD! This is gorgeous. You should keep cabin fever for awhile! XOXO

  2. I'm ready for warmth though.. I'm done with winter ..

  3. pfft même pas une petite pensée pour moi ce jour là ! Un quilt ??? même antique, je ne vois aucune allusion ! It's a shame !
