Friday, March 2, 2012

Los Talleres - Day 2

So here I am in Los Talleres, an artist retreat just outside of San Miguel de Allende in Mexico. "Retreat" is the key word here, since this is what you see when you turn left and right:

I'm sorry if the photos appear a bit weird (stripes?), they seem to not want to download properly.

Anyhow, once I got past the first "shock" that I was indeed going to be staying in such a remote place for a month (the urban dweller that I am realized I NEVER experienced that :), I find it exciting to finally have the time to do artwork. The last few months have been so busy making leather bags that I am really looking forward to just make art without having to think "product" (by the way, new bags were posted on Etsy last week and I will post a few more by tomorrow, so check it out here).

This is Harriet, one of the two dogs to keep me company (along a with a lovely couple who manages the place, Raleigh and Evan).

And here's the studio:

I a bit wish that I would have an art project already started and felt a bit intimidated at first, thinking of all the time that's available to me and no specific idea.. However,  before I left, I dreamt that I was going to swaddle some trees or bushes in pink yarn  so I started swaddling some thorny dead branches:

Who knows where that will go but it's a start..


  1. Waouh ! Génial ! Super studio ! Bon, ya même pas un arbre pour se pendre aux alentours mais en même temps, vaut mieux, non ? ahahah !
    Allez, ne mange pas trop de mangues !

    1. si si, il y a des arbres :)
      mais serieusement, pour l'instant, je suis tres contente. je risque juste de devenir completement pas sociable et de pousser une barbe..

  2. How wonderful to have an artist retreat for a whole month. I'm SO envious!! It looks positively lovely. I can't wait to see what comes out of this for you. I'm sure whatever it is, it will be amazing! Have fun and I look forward to seeing the process!

  3. I know, it does feel like a treat.. a gift even!

  4. Sophie, it's wonderful to think of you in this situation. I am very interested to see what you will do.

  5. Looks fantastic! So much good will happen from this. XOXOXOX

  6. Héhé, c'est pire que la Neuvillette !!!!

    1. tu viens de me donner une idee! je n'y avais jamais pense! bisous


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